
Head to the Pokémoon Gym!

Active Gyms:

  • MNT/BNB - 0% deposit fee

  • MNT/BUSD - 0% deposit fee

  • BNB/BUSD - 4% deposit fee

  • KBN/BNB - 0% deposit fee

  • KBN/BUSD - 0% deposit fee

  • KBN/PB - 0% deposit fee (rotates with PB seasons)

  • MNT/BNB - Cake LPs - 5% deposit fee

  • KBN/BNB - Cake LPs - 5% deposit fee

How to Use Gyms

Before you can yield farm using PokéMoon Gyms, you need to provide liquidity on the platform and obtain PokéMoon LPs, read more about them on the Liquidity Pools page.

1. Go to the PokéMoon Gym page here.

2. Connect your Binance Smart Chain Wallet.

3. Approve the spending of tokens on your selected gym.

4. Click the "Stake LP" button to add your LP to the Gym.

5. Enter the amount of tokens you would like to add and press "Confirm".

6. Confirm the transaction in your Web3 provider such as MetaMask.

Congratulations, you are now earning Koban in the Gym! Now you can return periodically and collect your returns individually or use the "Bank" button to send all your returns to the bank in one single transaction and start earning Pokéballs!

Last updated